Clean-up procedures depend largely on the stain you use. Here are guidelines for cleaning up.

To maximize your investment on staining tools, make sure to clean them right after use.

  • For Alkyd/Oil Solid Color or Semi-Transparent Stain, clean tools with solvent.

  • For Latex Solid Color Stain, clean tools with soap and water.

Brushes should be kept in their original wrapper or paper-wrapped in a manner that retains their original shape before storing.

Tips To Protect The Environment

Try to buy only the amount of stain you'll need so there is little to dispose of when you complete your project. If you do have leftovers, follow these guidelines:

  • Save small amounts of leftover stain for future touch-ups. To keep the stain fresh, pound down the lid securely with a rubber mallet.

  • Store the stain in a safe place until you can take it to an appropriate waste-disposal site, such as community paint/stain collection events where you can safely dispose of leftover stains.

  • Never pour stain down a drain or into a storm sewer.