How to create a mySW profile and start shopping:

Simply ask a Sherwin-Williams associate or your rep to create your online profile for you.

Or, do it yourself by visiting, completing the online profile form and entering your nine-digit PRO Account number. You can find this number at the top of your statement.

Log in at today to take full advantage of your PRO benefits.


Buy Online Where Available
Shop for your favorite Sherwin-Williams paints and supplies online, anytime.

PRO Discounts
Now you can access your pricing online.

Manage Account Balances & Payments
View and pay account balances from the convenience of your phone, tablet or computer.

Track Your Purchase History
Review and reorder previous purchases with the click of a button.

Save Your Favorites
Let Sherwin-Williams do the work of remembering your favorite items, making reordering easier than ever.