Color Collections

Simplify your color search by exploring Sherwin-Williams' paint color collections from our most popular color palettes. Color experts carefully curate every collection to coordinate gracefully across multiple spaces.

Top Sherwin-Williams Collections

Top 50 Colors

Consistently popular and trusted paint colors.

Finest Whites & Neutrals

An incredibly versatile range of whites and neutrals from our experts to suit any style.

Emerald® Designer Edition™

Available in 200 colors of our finest interior paint.

Living Well

Interior paint color palettes to invite well-being into your home.

Partner Collections

Pottery Barn Brand’s paint palettes pair with their latest decor.

The sophisticated edge of the west elm paint palette.

The timeless style of the Rejuvenation paint palette.

Explore More Sherwin-Williams Collections

The premier forecast of trending color stories by the leader in color – Sherwin-Williams.

Coordinated color palettes to reflect and showcase your personality.

Historically authentic paint palettes – from our historical archives.

Carefully curated color palettes to match your home’s architectural style and boost your curb appeal.

Trusted paint colors that transcend time and remain relevant year in and year out.

Versatile palette of VinylSafe® colors including warp-resistant darker hues.

Our inspirational Lookbooks are designed to educate and simplify color scheme selection.

Twist-n-Pour paint samples

Color to Go®

Make Your Inspiration a Reality

Book Your FREE Virtual Consult with a Color Expert.